We have been supporting projects that uplift communities and cause positive growth in the lives of many. Below are some projects we have undertaken in this regard;

1. Goat Farming Project

This was the first VCK project to be funded by one of our friends, Deb from Buffalo, New York. It was started in May 2004, when a group of eight elderly women looking after orphans, who were left behind after their parents died were bought goats, from which they would get milk which they would sell to get revenue, and also sell the young ones to also raise more money to support their families and the orphans….read more – https://www.vckenya.com/our-projects/

2. Bee Hive Project

The bee keeping project was funded by Deb from Buffalo New York with 10 beehives. The project is owned by youth in the Ngáraria Village, Murangá County.The project has been so far been successful, they now have several other beehives are selling honey to the local community to generate revenue…..read more – https://www.vckenya.com/our-projects/

3. Pig Rearing Project

This project was started in September 2005 with 4 piglets in Ngararia Village, Muranga County. The piglets and their sty was also funded by Deb…..read more – https://www.vckenya.com/our-projects/